One thing she does not like is being naked. In fact she only cries when she is naked or we change her diaper. This may explain her dislike for bath time. Our poor baby screams as soon as we put her in the tub. I'm sure she will grow out of it, but for now, she is not a fan. We are still working to establish a feeding/sleeping routine, but every day gets easier. We’ve loved watching Emma grow and discover her surroundings. These days, she prefers to be in her swing or bouncy seat. Both play music and vibrate. She just discovered the mobile above her swing and will stare intently at it. Emma loves to be bounced, rocked, and walked around the house. We find ourselves doing laps every night. It really soothes her when she is fussy.
Emma went to the doctor a couple times this month. Chris and I really like the doctors at Children’s Medical Associates (CMA). They take good care of our baby. Emma has gained weight at every appointment, and is doing great. She will get a shot at the next appointment, which I am not looking forward to. Mommy may have to leave the room for this one.
It’s been quite the adjustment, but I treasure every day I am home with Emma. We couldn’t have asked for a better baby. She has made Chris and me incredibly happy. It’s hard to imagine our lives before Emma. Well, I do remember the sleep. That was nice. :)
It’s crazy to think that we made this little person. It truly is a miracle and we feel very blessed. We love you Emma!
Height: 21.5" (50-75th percentile)
Weight: 7lbs 14oz (10th percentile)
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